Preparing organizations for their next emergency.

Our Mission

We strive to stand alongside and educate organizations (public & private) on how they can best prepare their teams for an unexpected and large-scale emergency. This may include, but is not limited to active shooter, hurricanes, earthquakes, severe weather, and/or winter storms. Throughout our careers in emergency management, we have recognized a huge gap in the education and implementation of emergency preparedness/mitigation activities in both public and private sector organizations. We hope that Disaster Defense can help fill this gap.

Meet the Team

As alumni of Saint Louis University’s Emergency Management Program, this team brings a variety of experience within both public and private sectors of the industry. We have responded to multiple emergency responses and worked with organizations of all shapes and sizes. We look forward to having the opportunity to increase resilience and decrease the amount of impact your organization absorbs following a major to large-scale incident.

  • Founder

    It all begins with a need. Throughout my career as an Emergency Manager I have found a huge need for implemented Emergency Management and Business Continuity programming within both public and private organizations.

  • Co-Founder

    Along with my experience in multiple emergency operations planning projects and large response operations, I am able to bring both experience and insight to how public and private organizations operate during an emergency and where the gaps currently reside.


  • Implementation of reoccurring emergency planning activities lays the foundation for an organization’s emergency management program. In addition to response operations, emergency plans and procedures guide implemented training, exercises, and drills.

  • Proper training, drills, and exercises for applicable teams is critical in ensuring minimal impact following an emergency situation.

  • Utilize our team to assist your organization in identifying actions which should be taken before, during and after and emergency situation.


Get in touch

We look forward to hearing from you!